Are we there yet? – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2753.15/17
August 4, 2022
Todays snapshot brings us very close to the final release of Vivaldi 5.4 for desktop.
Tip #75
August 2, 2022
Create filters in Vivaldi Webmail to automatically organize your incoming messages.
Counters in blocker dialog – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 2753.3
August 2, 2022
This snapshot adds counters in the blocker dialog, resolves some bugs and includes a Chromium bump.
Minor update (10) for Vivaldi Linux (ARM) Desktop Browser 5.3
August 1, 2022
This update fixes proprietary media for new users on Linux for arm (both 32 and 64bit). Only the Linux packages have been upgraded.
Monday snapshot – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2753.3
August 1, 2022
Todays snapshot includes a handful of small fixes.
Invalid icons and reverting overlay – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2751.3
July 29, 2022
Todays snapshot brings a fix for the Vivaldi shortcuts ending up with invalid locations, as well as a revert to the Native window buttons overlay so that we can keep working on it for a future release down the road.
Why I use Vivaldi browser
July 28, 2022
Find out what attracted Kobami and has kept her using Vivaldi browser, both on Android and desktop.