Tip #276

May 15, 2023

While cycling tabs with shortcuts, see a preview of tabs before switching to them by enabling the Tab Cycler.

Time to vote for your favorite theme!

May 15, 2023

We’ve received a lot of wonderful themes in the Custom Icons contest, but we need your help to pick the winners.

Vivaldi_browser_ google_1o

*Freeze frame*, Vivaldi at Google I/O.

May 12, 2023

Vivaldi browser was featured at Google I/O. Why? Read all about it.

Tip #275

May 12, 2023

Make the Pop-Out Video window as big or small as you like.

Tip #274

May 11, 2023

Open a new browser window with a keyboard shortcut.

Tip #273

May 10, 2023

Only allow people you approve of to follow you on Vivaldi Social.

Tip #272

May 9, 2023

Reorder Tabs with drag and drop on the Tab Bar of Vivaldi on Android.

Back on the road again

May 9, 2023

The month of May is exciting for Vivaldi CEO, Jon von Tetzchner, as he embarks on a journey to Seoul, Tokyo, and Brussels, where he will interact with Vivaldi users and people from different walks of life. Curious to know more? Read on!

Tip #271

May 8, 2023

Make it easier to see which Calendar events have additional information by enabling event property icons.

That Friday feeling – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 3009.3

May 5, 2023

In today’s snapshot we have more fixes for Bookmarks, Calendars and Workspaces.

Tip #270

May 5, 2023

Secure your Vivaldi account by enabling Two-Factor Authentication.

Tip #269

May 4, 2023

Scan QR codes with Vivaldi on Android.