Local images for profile avatar – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2064.6
October 5, 2020
Today’s snapshot adds support for using local images for your user profile avatars.

Improved Speed Dial Layout – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 2060.3
October 1, 2020
Today’s snapshot introduces improved speed dial layout and includes fixes for recent regressions.

Custom links in menus – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2059.2
October 1, 2020
Today’s snapshot adds support for custom links in menus.

How to view multiple web pages side by side – no extensions
September 30, 2020
View multiple web pages at once, save time and stay organized with Tab Tiling in Vivaldi browser. No extensions needed.

Periodic tab reload – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2056.19
September 28, 2020
Today’s snapshot introduces two new features, periodic tab reload and (screenshot) capture directly to a note.

Minor update for Vivaldi Android Browser 3.3
September 23, 2020
This update addresses several bottom address bar drawbacks and upgrades Chromium to the latest version.

Bottom address bar fixes – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 2049.2
September 22, 2020
This snapshot fixes frequently reported problems with address bar at the bottom, and includes a major Chromium bump to 86.

Configurable context menus – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 2049.2
September 22, 2020
Today’s snapshot furthers our work from 3.1, where we introduced configurable menus. Now context (right click) menus are also configurable.

Minor update (3) for Vivaldi Desktop Browser 3.3
September 22, 2020
This update includes security fixes from the Chromium project.

Breaks, browsing, and all that buzz
September 18, 2020
With Vivaldi browser’s latest versions on desktop and Android out, the last two weeks have been buzzing with excitement. Let’s listen to some of the rattle the news has made.

5 ways to customize Vivaldi browser on Android
September 16, 2020
Vivaldi browser on Android is different from the pack. It adjusts to your preferences and workflow. Here are 5 ways you can customize it!

Swiping on the bottom toolbar is back – Vivaldi Android Browser snapshot 2038.4
September 12, 2020
Today’s snapshot contains a few regression fixes and a chromium update.