Daily snapshot – Vivaldi Browser snapshot 3621.36

In today’s snapshot, we have more address field improvements and fix some mail issues.

If you are now using the Omnibar based address field (the default), please check “Settings → Address bar → Address Field Priorities” and make sure that “Enable History” is switched on. A bug in previous snapshots could have caused this to be inadvertently disabled for some users.

Download (3621.36)


  • [Address bar] Bookmark preferred to a top level domain (VB-114555)
  • [Address bar] Undo gradually consumes typed URL (VB-114600)
  • [Mail][Performance] Endless loop in threading, causing high CPU (VB-100468)
  • [Mail] No content shown when selecting the message in the list (VB-114685)
  • [Onboarding][Mail][Calendar][Feeds] Move the toggle further up on the Welcome page (VB-114684)
  • [Reader Mode] Enabling causes reload (VB-114039)
  • [Sync][Send tabs] Not possible to open received links (VB-114695)

Main photo by Ruarí Ødegaard.